Arnold, You Rock but About that Comment...

I was at the gym today working out and while I was on the elliptical I was channel surfing trying to find something that would keep my interest and make the time pass.  I came across the Entertainment channel doing a story on Arnold Schwarzenegger so of course I watched being a fan and all.  They showed old clips and parts of his achievements and of course they had to bring in about him being governor...

They showed a clip of a question he was asked, which the question was: "What is your view on gay marriage?"  And Arnold replied with "I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."

**short pause as you think did he really say that?** (yes I did the same thing when I heard it and I had come to a halt on the elliptical... Arnold...what were you thinkin?  I admire you and I am big fan, but really?  As I stood there on the machine I thought "he said wha???"


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