"Let's Join Forces"

Okay I was watching an episode of "the City" on MTV the other day while working out at the gym (don't judge me lol) and this episode happened to be the one where the main girl Whitney was set up on a blind date.  She met the guy at a restraunt and from the first moment they talked the guy sat there and started throwing out words like "LV" (Louis Vuitton) in his conversation with her.  She had not a clue what he was talking about or refering to and you could totally tell how bad this date was.  To make matters worse, the waiter brought the bill to the table and as he looked at it he says to her "How bout we join forces?"  With a confused look she says "do what?"  He says "Join forces, pay for the check together..."  Oh man I about fell off the treadmill laughing!  One I have NEVER heard this and second HE SAID WHA??

Spencer Pratt da Rapper, Wait Do Wha??

Everyone is quite aware of who Spencer and Heidi Pratt (the ones on the hills who are literally in love with themselves).  I don't think anything surprises us anymore with what they or especially what Spencer will do.

spencer pratt rapping Pictures, Images and Photos

And yes he will do anything...he has now come out with a rap video of "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here."  I really thought it was a joke, but I came across an article that said he "...insists that he has the potential to become “the hottest rapper in the game."  There are no words, because all that came out was he Said Wha??

(for more information on the article I am refering to visit http://www.popcrunch.com/spencer-pratt-rap-album/ )

Arnold, You Rock but About that Comment...

I was at the gym today working out and while I was on the elliptical I was channel surfing trying to find something that would keep my interest and make the time pass.  I came across the Entertainment channel doing a story on Arnold Schwarzenegger so of course I watched being a fan and all.  They showed old clips and parts of his achievements and of course they had to bring in about him being governor...

They showed a clip of a question he was asked, which the question was: "What is your view on gay marriage?"  And Arnold replied with "I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman."

**short pause as you think did he really say that?** (yes I did the same thing when I heard it and I had come to a halt on the elliptical... Arnold...what were you thinkin?  I admire you and I am big fan, but really?  As I stood there on the machine I thought "he said wha???"

Does This Shirt Make My Bass Look Fat??

Okay, from the title so of you may know what this is from... yes it's one of those Bass Pro t-shirts.  So I am going to tell you something that happened to me a few months ago while wearing this shirt that has a large cartoon fish on the back that says "Does this shirt make my bass look fat?"  (it's an awesome shirt by the way)

So I was walking to a Firehouse Subs place not too long ago just getting done from working out and I had this shirt on and truthfully I completely forgot what shirt I had on and what it said.  I ordered my food and made my way to the soda drinks.  As I am standing there waiting patiently for the ice to actually come out of the machine, this older man comes up to me and just says "by the way, the answer to your question is no..."  I stared at him dumbfounded and going "did I ask him a question and I didn't even realize it??"  I just politely said excuse me and he repeated what he said, so still not a clue I just smiled and said okay while shaking my head as I walked to go sit down.  I sat down and then started to put it all together and I shouted out "oh my ga, he was referring to my shirt and definitely not the little bass on it!"

Needless to say, yes it was funny and a great story but sir, you definitely made me say "WHA??"

So if you have ever (which I'm sure most of you have) registered with a forum no matter what it was for you notice they have moderators (in a way they are like the nerds in the hall checking for your hall pass) right?  I think it's a good thing they do because of all the spam and nonsense people post.  But here is my beef about it... I won't say what forum it was because there is no need to but it was for business-entrepreneurs to interact and share information about anything really.  Well there was a section on there that was for you to share something you were excited about with your business, site, award etc.  I decided to post something about something new with our site that we were pumped about and that was open to many other businesses to use and benefit from.  After I completed my post, I saved it and uploaded it to the forum and saw it went through.  Well later on that night I was curious to see if anyone posted on it or had a comment, to my surprise I didn't see it anywhere in the category I placed it in.  I sat there for a moment going did I really save it?  Where did it go?  Well I still never found it and it obviously had been deleted.  Now let me say, no where in there did it promote the site or did I put spam marketing stuff in there, nothing!  But somehow it was deleted.  I looked at other posts in there that were marketing their site left and right that were not deleted and still standing.

This is annoying when a forum does this and just up and decides to delete something when you followed the rules and guidelines.  This forum made me wanna say "WHA??"
I did not watch the MTV movie awards the night that Kanye got up and completely sabatoged Taylor Swift but if you didn't watch it you definitely knew about it the next morning from the news.  One, I could not believe that he said what he did and it was totally uncalled for and second how could you do that man??

Well everyone has said what they thought about the situation and voiced their opinions which pretty much sum up the fact that he is an idiot should we say.  Well I was reading a magazine the other day and it had the stars say what they thought about the incident and Kayne....let me say that I was laughing at all of the remarks.  But the best had to be from Katy Perry that said along the lines of "Kanye you're an idiot, you stepped on a kitten..."  Ha it made me say WHA?? but I have to say that I love it!  You go Katy Perry!